Posted by The Ajna Offensive on
TEITANBLOOD 'Death' vinyl repress TEITANBLOOD embroidered patch DEATHSPELL OMEGA 'Si Monvmentvm Circvmspice, Reqvires' DLP repress DEATHSPELL OMEGA 'Drought' LP repress TEMPLE OF ONA tapes: Sinister Musick of the Deverills Volume II; Chant of the ONA; Behold, the Blood of the Moon DEAD CONGREGATION 'Promulgation of the Fall' LP BLACK TWILIGHT SERPENT design embroidered patch CLAVICULA NOX - V - Magic and Mayhem, standard edition. a definitive date for TLILTIC TLAPOYAUAK 3LP box, 2CD digipack and numerous updates on forthcoming :AJNA: and Unseen Forces titles. We don't know final pricing on many of these titles, so we'll list everything up...
:AJNA: will be closed from May 3rd to May 17th.
Posted by The Ajna Offensive on
:AJNA: will be closed from May 3rd to May 17th.
TEITANBLOOD Retail and wholesale.
Posted by The Ajna Offensive on
The release date is still March 13th for both formats of 'Death'. We expect to have both formats before that date at which point we will know the exact prices.Pre-orders will be available from the day that we hold both formats in our hands. Reservations are not necessary for retail copies.
TEITANBLOOD 'Death' Shirts.
Posted by The Ajna Offensive on
Posted by The Ajna Offensive on
TEITANBLOOD "DEATH" LP/CD (The Ajna Offensive/Norma Evangelium Diaboli) Anteinfierno / Sleeping Throats of the Antichrist / Plagues of Forgiveness / Cadaver Synod / Unearthed Veins / Burning In Damnation Fires / Silence of the Great Martyrs. The second Teitanblood album corrects the misconception about Death Metal being music, mortui vivos docent. To be released on the 13th of March 2014 !