
This is not a webzine, it’s not a blog – I’d like to think of it as an organic archive for my writing.

Since 2007, I have intermittently contributed articles to Sweden Rock Magazine – a music publication which, as the name implies, is in Swedish. In late 2015 I decided to translate a tour report I’d written for the magazine and publish it online. After finding myself quite enjoying the linguistic exercise I followed suit with a few more. In early 2016, I conducted a Deströyer 666 interview with only a meagre two SRM pages at my disposal, and so ended up with the vengeful boil in every writer’s posterior; excess material too good to discard. So I used it for an English article for this thing, whatever it is. Then I wrote a few more and haven’t really stopped since. At some point I decided it would be neat to have a few selected works in print as well, so I made a publication too.

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