1, Heinous Constellations 9:26
2. Machinations Internecine 4:31
3. Teeth of the Hanged 4:40
4. Whorl 10:27
Includes insert with lyrics and art.
"Whorl," the debut EP by international metal project ABSCHWÖRZUNGE, is an auditory manifestation of despair. In a complete amalgamation of unrelenting, unbalanced, brutal death metal and the razor’s edge rawness of ice-cold, mechanical black metal, the unknown entity harnesses a vision of utterly unique “extreme metal.” Yet, it merely serves as a vessel to muse and mock the breadth of man’s ugliness from a sterile perspective of absolute apathy. The pieces plunge deep into emptiness, probing themes of cosmic indifference and the stark reality of human insignificance.
ABSCHWÖRZUNGE proffers an unfiltered reexamination of a society bereft of purpose. Channeling the bleak and caustic essence emanating from the likes of Zyklon-B, Immolation, and the noxious spirit of Cold Meat Industries, this release is an unyielding testament to the futility of our existence.
Nothing can be said of the project’s identity, history, method, process, or even location - these signifiers matter not under the weight and cleansing realization of crippling inconsequence. Washed free of the filth of human image, the material proclaims far louder than the sum of any paltry parts ever could.
A review from Metal Temple:
The album has four song(sic), and “Heinous Constellations” is first. The opening tones are dissonant, and blacker than a dead man’s soul. I hear a good deal of Death Metal as opposed to Black Metal., especially in the vocals and guitars. It gets even deeper as it moved along, almost like a massive sinkhole is opening, and swallowing the surrounding landscape, and its depths know no boundaries. “Machinations Internecine” is just a little bit faster, and the parameters of the music are very wide…some might even struggle to call this music altogether as it is vastly loose and dissonant.
“Teeth of the Hanged” begins with a bit of melody, but whatever bring spot it brought with it is dashed by darkness, shadow, and evil. There is a lot of tension in this song, and as a listener, you are waiting for an explosion that never comes. The title track closes the album. There is tentativeness in the opening, almost like someone is watching a meteor storm in the skies above the earth, not realizing that the meteors are hammering the ground with a unrelenting force. The tones that follow are as dissonant as jarring as the moment you wake from a nightmare, drenched in sweat, and the vocals sound like they come from the mouth of the devil himself.
Overall, this was a mouth-watering slab of meat of bloody meat that has been charred beyond recognition, burning straight through cartilage, sinew, and even bone. It paints a very grim picture of humanity, as well as the irrelevance and total meaningless of existence.