1 Melek-tha.Pain and pleasure, indivisible
2 Melek-tha.Cenobites Rites
3 Dolorism.The Midnight Meat train
4 Melek-tha.Rawhead Rex
5 Vallee des Larmes.Cenobites's Prayer
6 Dolorism & Grimsvotn.The Dwellers of Midian
7 Melek-tha.Macabral hypnosis
8 Valle des Larmes.Leviathan
9 Melek-tha.Collective hysteria
10 Dolorism.The Scarlet Gospels
11 Melek-tha.The Sinner's symphony
"Quattuor Liberabit Si Aenigma Explicata Erit” is a project reuniting 3 French Dark Ambient acts: MELEK-THA; DOLORISM and VALLEE DES LARMES. Their album is an industrial cinematic journey and a vibrant homage to Clive Barker’s genius mind and his horrific and abyssal universe"
2 Melek-tha.Cenobites Rites
3 Dolorism.The Midnight Meat train
4 Melek-tha.Rawhead Rex
5 Vallee des Larmes.Cenobites's Prayer
6 Dolorism & Grimsvotn.The Dwellers of Midian
7 Melek-tha.Macabral hypnosis
8 Valle des Larmes.Leviathan
9 Melek-tha.Collective hysteria
10 Dolorism.The Scarlet Gospels
11 Melek-tha.The Sinner's symphony
"Quattuor Liberabit Si Aenigma Explicata Erit” is a project reuniting 3 French Dark Ambient acts: MELEK-THA; DOLORISM and VALLEE DES LARMES. Their album is an industrial cinematic journey and a vibrant homage to Clive Barker’s genius mind and his horrific and abyssal universe"
Released September 28, 2021